A. Basic Information
Hatching is a change intracapsular (limited places) to the phase of life. This is important in animal morphology changes. Hatching was the last period of incubation as a result of some of the embryos out of his shell. Hatching occurs because of mechanical work and work enzymatic. Mechanical work resulting embryo often change position due to lack of space in the shell or because ebrio longer than the space inside the shell. Work is an enzyme enzymatic or chemical element called Chorion issued by endodermal in the area parink embryo. The combined work of mechanical and enzymatic cause fish eggs hatch.
1. Terms Hatching Eggs
The external factors that affect the hatching of fish eggs are temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity an intensity of light. Hatching generally occurred faster at higher temperatures where metabolism run faster so that the embryonic development will be faster so the movement of the embryo inside the shell will be more active. However, the temperature is too high or the sudden change could hinder the hatching process and can cause embryonic death so that failed to hatch. A good temperature for hatching fish eggs is 27 - 30oC.
The solubility of oxygen and light intensity will affect the hatching process. Oxygen can affect a number of organs of the embryo. The intense light can cause rapid hatching rate, mortality and poor embryo growth and pigmentation are many that can affect the hatching process.
2. The method of hatching eggs:
Mechanical hatching in some types of fish vary according to the nature of fish eggs. Eggs carp, catfish, catfish attached to the substrate, then ditetasan in the hatching container. Hatching eggs made of natural and artificial semi done by separating the stem and eggs. After the completion of the master spawn, the eggs of African catfish stuck to the substrate (kakaban) was appointed to be hatched in the hatching container. Parent had finished spawning fish to be caught and returned to an aircraft maintenance. Bak hatching eggs may be the pool walls, fiberglass or pool tarp. Hatching tubs filled water as high as 20-30 cm. Water can come from ground water or other water sources, which is important the water is not mengendung chlorine or other hazardous chemicals.
Whole eggs hatched on kakaban must be submerged in water. The fertilized eggs will be colored bright yellow-brown, while the unfertilized egg pale white. In the process of hatching eggs required oxygen supply is sufficient then at any given aeration hatching container. Fish eggs African catfish, catfish and pomfret will hatch into larvae between 18-24 hours from the moment of conception.
a. Terms of hatching eggs which include:
1) Terms and setingnya hatching container. Hatching container should be waterproof (can be used like concrete, fiber ak tarpaulins or tub), a height tubs no more than 1 meter to facilitate the work, the water level in the tub, hatching 20 to 30 cm, and the setup aeration.
2) The eggs will be hatched. Eggs are good for incubation is bright green, uniform grain size of the eggs and do not stick between grains
3) African catfish fish eggs need a substrate to stick to, to the use kakaban with a texture that is not slippery.
b. Method of hatching eggs. Methods hatching eggs can be done in two ways, namely:
1) Move kakaban eggs from spawning into a bath tub hatching.
a) The advantages of this method is the media hatching eggs cleaner of mucus and the rest of the semen parent catfish during the spawning thus reducing the growth of fungi and parasites.
b) The downside, if the removal kakaban not done carefully and meticulously it will mislead damage to the eggs.
2) Incubate eggs with kakaban fixed in a bath of spawning
a) The advantages of this method is the hatching process only transfer an aircraft to recovery, while kakaban remain undisturbed in the spawning pond.
b) Disadvantages of this method is mucus eggs and semen accumulate in the hatching medium so that the chances of growing fungi and parasites, which can cause it to fail to hatch.
At the time of transfer kakaban the hatching container, do it carefully, quickly and remain cautious, lest kakaban formed tub wall or falls that can cause the eggs to dissipate. Displacement kakaban also be fast, so that the eggs do not dry or hydrated, so the distance container spawning and hatching eggs should not be too far away. At the time observed the development of eggs every hour, in the development of the fertilized eggs will be bright green, while telu unfertilized be white milk
3. Factors affecting the hatchability of eggs:
a. egg quality Egg quality is affected by the
quality of the feed given to the parent and the degree of maturity of the eggs.
b. Environment Namely the quality of water
consisting of temperature, oxygen, pH, ammonia, brightness etc. At the time of
melakukam replacement of water, it should be noted that the volume of water so
that the media hatching and quality is maintained is needed to set the flow of
water discharge from the hatching container out sedeikian so that the flow of
water in and out will be balanced. c. movement of water Too strong water
movement caused the collision between eggs or other objects, causing rupture of
the egg.
4. Pest and Disease As one of the pest and disease
control measures in the process of hatching eggs, do eggshell surface
observation and note the percentage of eggs were good and not good. Remove the
egg if the egg is not good more than 50% Observe the growth of fungi on the
surface of the egg shell, if it looks thick mucus and looked fibers, do
penyiponan. However, if the number of eggs with the condition more than the
number of eggs were good, then immediately do flashing and wash the container
to clean and do the immersion with 20 ppm chlorine solution.
hatching eggs :
1. Prepare a
container and media as per the requirements and methods of hatching eggs.
2. Identify the
water quality hatching media.
A. Method of natural and semi artificial:
1. Place the media kakaban at the hatchery with kakaban position plastered eggs are under
2. Set the aeration unit in accordance with the requirements
3. Set up the water heater
4. Observe the development of eggs during hatching
B. Method of artificial
1. Scatter eggs on artificial spawning substrate results hatching eggs
2. Turn the hatching substrate after 1 hour of stocking eggs
3. Set the aeration unit in accordance with the requirements
4. Perform water heater settings
5. Observe the development of eggs during hatching
6. Adjust the position of the substrate hatching eggs to remain submerged
7. Prepare the tools required for hatching eggs.
8. Wash the hatching container until clean.
9. Rinse the container with a solution of 2 ppm chlorine
10. Drying hatching container for 24 hours or until the container is completely dry
11. Rinse returned hatching container with clean water.
12. Fill the container with the media hatching clean water until it reaches a height of 20 to 30 cm.
13. Setting aeration with bubbles being in order not to cause strong currents.
14. Setting the hatching container, and do along with spawning container setting.
15. Move kakaban the hatching container carefully, quickly and remain cautious.
16. Observe the development of eggs per hour.
17. Separate the egg white milk with egg menyipon way or cutting kakaban if the egg was still attached to the kakaban.
18. The eggs will hatch about 18 to 24 hours.
1. Identify and other organisms that are in the media or stuck on egg hatching
2. Get rid of the biota of the media hatching
3. Observe the surface of the eggshell and note the percentage of eggs were good and not good
4. Remove the egg if the egg is not good more than 50%
1. Requirements and Methods Maintenance Larva
Larvae catfish are good and healthy is very important to
obtain high seed production. Larvae healthy with adequate feed will grow
normally. Instead larvae unhealthy because of illness or deformity (abnormal)
despite being given a good feed and enough will remain impaired in growth. The
larvae used in the maintenance should meet the requirements both in quality and
quantity as follows: No Qualitatively Quantitatively information criterion
information criterion 1 Origin Results hatching eggs of spawning male and
female parent is not a descendant Age maximum of 3 days 2 Colour Brown-black,
depending on the color of the container total length of 0.75 to 1.0 cm 3 Not
Perfect Body Weight minimum 0.05 gram 4 Movement / active swimming behavior and
are not clustered Uniformity: -Size -Color > 90% 100% Larval rearing methods
into seed raised catfish ready to be the size of consumption is done according
to the level of maintenance. 2. Maintenance Larva / Seeds Larval rearing
catfish done for 2-3 weeks. Under normal circumstances catfish larvae will grow
into fish seed size 1-3 cm. To prevent cannibalistic nature, then the fish
seeds do grading or separation between fish large and small. Grading need to do
if the seed is not uniform is to allow small fish seeds can grow better.
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Implementation of the grading should be done simultaneously
with the process of thinning the fish seed, as a result of increasing the size
of fish seed then the growth will slow. Thinning in this case aims to provide
fish fry environmental conditions (water quality) is better, so the fish seed
can grow faster. Seed-sized fish can be maintained separately in the nursery
phase, while the small ones remained preserved in its original container.
Larval development is highly dependent on the environment, especially water
quality and food availability. In the water quality is good and sufficient feed
larval life will be normal, and can grow quickly so that it can reach the seed
in time. In contrast to the poor water quality and feed less larval life is not
normal and can not reach the seed in time.
Therefore, water quality and availability of food is very
important Growth Indicators, SR and Frequency Feeding On Seeds Catfish. No
Criteria Age seeds 5 days 15 days 35 days 60 days 1 The total length (cm) 0.75
to 1 1 1-4 4-10 2 Weight (g) 0.05 1 1.7 8 3 SR (%) 90-95> 80> 80> 80 4
Feed (% wb) - 20 10 5 5 Freq. Pemb. Feed - 3-4 3-4 3-4 3. Water Quality
Management To maintain the water quality required their larval rearing media
management system good water quality. If the water used comes from the Drinking
Water Company (PAM) preferably before use should be deposited in advance for
1-2 days, because it usually contains chlorine. During the larval rearing
activities take place, water media larval rearing catfish cultivated no water
circulation or aeration. Pengaerasian in this case aims to supply dissolved
oxygen and evaporate the toxic gases that may interfere with the survival of
the larv
Water Quality Requirements Media
Larvae Maintenance Catfish
No Type Parameter Units Value
1 The temperature 0C 25-30
2 pH 6.5 to 8.5
3 Liter Water Debit / sec 0.5
4 cm water height 25-40
To avoid increasing the solubility of ammonia due to accumulation of food remains and feces (stool), the larval rearing media needs replacement / penyiponan every day as needed, namely:
1. Activities penyiponan once used to suck up
impurities, the remainder of feed or larvae die.
2. Replacement of water only made to replace the
water lost when done penyiponan.
3. Try water are added every day does not exceed
25% of the total volume of tanks larvae. The addition of water is done slowly
using a small hose.
Fluctuations in water temperature should be maintained larval rearing medium range between 26-29 ° C. If the temperature is too high fluctuations can affect fish larvae and can cause death.
Biologically catfish in the habit of taking oxygen from the air, so that the fish occasionally seen moving up and down. In connection with the biological properties of fish then the water level adjustment factor to note in larval rearing catfish. The water level larval rearing medium range 25-40 cm. The addition of the water level can be done gradually in line with the increased size of the larvae of catfish.
4. Feeding
Terms of feed which can be used in larval rearing catfish are:
1) Have an
appropriate size with the mouth opening catfish larvae.
2) It contains high nutrients
and easy to digest, because fish larvae digestive tract is not yet fully
This type of feed that can be used in larval rearing catfish can be either natural food (such as Artemia nauplii, moina, daphnia and silk worms / tubaifex) and artificial food like boiled chicken egg yolk. The use of natural feed is preferable because it has several advantages when compared to artificial feed. In addition to nutritional value (protein) is quite high and easily digestible natural food does not pollute the water quality.
Newly hatched larvae do not need to be fed because they have the yolk (yolk) as food reserves will be exhausted after 2-4 days depending on temperature. But in doing feeding should have been started before the food reserves are completely depleted. It is meant to allow the larvae to start learning catfish meal (adjustment) before the food reserves in her body. Therefore, feeding may begin on the second day after hatching. The type of food that is given in the form of natural food such as Artemia nauplii or Moina. After the age of 5 days, the larvae of catfish can be fed natural type of Daphnia or silk worms (tubifex).
Before being given to the natural feed larvae (nauplii Artemia, Moina, Daphnia or Tubifex) should be washed thoroughly. Giving done adlibitum (sekenyangnya) and given as much as 3-4 times a day. In addition to high nutrients in the form of silk worms feeding may increase the appetite of fish.
Before didederkan the subsequent maintenance phase, seed catfish trained by feeding in the form of flour pellets. The feed is mixed with warm water and small dots formed solid when given on the seed. Feeding the training process can be performed on the 8th day until harvest.
The amount of feed is adjusted to the appetite of fish. Feed given four times a day ie 06:00, 10:00, 16:00 and 20:00. The feeding is done in a piecemeal fashion, looking at the response of fish meal. Feed stocked evenly so that all the fish got to get the same kesematan feed. Feeding should be stopped if the seeds of the fish is not responsive to the feed. Avoid feeding excessive because it can lead to decay.
5. Pest and Disease Prevention measures are the most effective compared with treatment. Because prevention is made before the attack, either pests or diseases so the cost is not too great. Some precautions pests that can be done is:
1) Before the larva is done, the container must be
cleaned / dried to cut the life cycle of the disease.
2) Environmental conditions should be maintained
including water quality remains good.
3) The feed given should match the needs, because
if excessive can disrupt the environment.
4) Handling when thinning or griding to be good
and right to avoid that catfish is not injured
5) Avoid the entry of disease-carrying animals
such as birds, snails or slugs. The most important thing that needs to be done
to prevent illness is to maintain the water quality as good as possible.
pathogen attack or infection (normally available in every waters) will only
happen if the environmental conditions decreased or ugly that makes fish stress
and weakening resistance of fish. Catfish larvae are very susceptible to
changes in temperature in the range of more than 4 ° C. If the water
temperature drops, the possibility of seed catfish ich will be susceptible to
disease, which is a disease of white spots on the body or mouth. Combating this
disease is to move Lebin-seed catfish to a new environment with warmer
temperatures (26-28) oC. Another factor is the use of poor-quality feed. Thus,
it can be concluded that the spread of a disease in fish is the combined effect
of the influence of the condition of the host, the environment and jasat
B. Supporting Information
1. Monitoring Growth
In simple terms the growth of fish can be formulated as length or weight increment at a time. The growth factors in fish rearing system is generally influenced by the quality of larvae / extension seed, feed management system and water quality (environmental pisciculture).
Monitoring aims to determine the growth of larvae / fish seed for ongoing maintenance activities. This can be done by way of sampling, that is the way to catch some fish fry at random for measurement of length and weight. Sampling fish should also be done carefully so that the fish do not stress. Sampling is mainly done to determine the condition and growth of farmed fish, and its survival rate (SR).
Survival rate (SR) can be determined by counting the number of fish at the beginning and end of maintenance by using the following formula:
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SR = (Nt / No) x 100%
Information :
Nt = number of fish at the end of maintenance (tail)
No = number of fish in early maintenance (tail
2. Infectious Diseases
Diseases can be defined as organisms that live and thrive in the body of the fish so that the fish organs disrupted. If one or some organs affected, would also disrupted whole fish tissue. Disease may arise in case of an imbalance between the condition of the fish, the environment and pathogens. Fish that poor body condition is very likely to catch diseases. Conversely, if the condition of his good fish very small likelihood of developing the disease.
Disease in catfish farming can be classified into infectious and non infectious diseases. Infectious disease is a disease caused by parasites jasat causes of diseases such as bacteria and viruses. While non-infectious disease is a disease caused by a fault that is not suitable environment for fish, feed the poor (malnutrition) and genetic disorders. While the disease transmission can occur through body contact, water, cultivation equipment and animal or plant water.

Basic Information
Catfish seed harvest activities include maintenance medium
water reduction, penseragaman size / gradding, and grouping catfish seed to be
marketed according to size. Catfish harvested seeds are generally not made in
total since the seed size is not uniform. Harvesting can be done gradually if
the seeds are still small in size and can be made in total if the seed size was
great but the size of the harvested seed should be grouped according to size.
The treatment given to the seed before harvesting is giving immunostimulan 2
days before the seeds are harvested and the seeds pemuasaan 12 hours before the
seeds are harvested. Immunostimulan Award is to maintain seed health and boost
immunity while pemuasaan used to cleanse the bowels so that during the process
of harvesting and transportation of water quality seeds of future media will be
maintained for seed catfish will not his guts. Seeds of catfish will be very
susceptible to changes in temperature and rough handling because of the seed
coat surface catfish were thin and flaky so susceptible bacteria or fungi.
Harvesting is better at low temperatures or in the morning or afternoon and not
in the rain. Equipment used in harvesting must be complete and in an amount
corresponding to the amount of fish that the handling process can be done
quickly to reduce the risk of damage and stress on the seed. Some of the
equipment that must be prepared is seser smooth, equipment and supplies
gradding juvenile fish and container shelters. Uniform seed size will maintain
the survival rate / Survival Rate (SR). Grading on hatchery operations carried
out from the third week of hatching eggs. And on the fourth week do so on
grading grading back every week to be a class seed spread. The period of larval
rearing of catfish up into the size of the harvest can last for 1.5 to 2 months
of maintenance. B. Supporting Information Treatment at harvest will greatly
make seed catfish stress, for the seed health conditions should be good. Fish
that are experiencing pain be obtained not harvested because it would result in
death because the process of grading and maintenance media turn suddenly.
Handling of fish that are sick will cause disease transmission either on
location or enlargement seeding. To reduce the risk of infection and disease transmission,
then at the time of grading and other fish handling at harvest
should be applied antiseptic in water media.
seed harvest catfish
1. Identify the
needs of seeds according to size. Harvesting is done in accordance with the
needs of the market, so will the harvest can be done totally or partially.
2. Identify the size
of the seeds to be harvested. Harvest can also be based on the size of the
seeds that will be harvested according to market demand.
3. Determine the
method of harvesting seeds to be done whether total or partial harvest.
harvest of fish seed is determined
1. Identify the
health of catfish seeds to be harvested. Healthy fish will have a good
vitality, and can be seen from the agile movement.
2. Determine the
time of harvest. Harvesting is done at low temperature conditions, and can be
done in the morning or afternoon.
3. Set a grading and
harvesting techniques. The position of the harvest is done near the tank.
type and amount of equipment was prepared according to the needs
1. Create a checklist and a list of tools that
will be used in the form of an instrument to fill in your name, number and
2. Prepare a plastic tub container seed after
sieving. Plastic tubs set up as many as five pieces with four tubs function as
a container of seeds after sifted and one vessel for the container in the
grading process. Plastic tub filled with water and apply an antiseptic.

4. Prepare seser to
take seed
Harvesting is done in accordance with the
1. Reduce maintenance media until the remaining
water in the reservoir, To keep the water in the tanks is still good, it can be
done with a small hose circulating water to drain new. Circulation is done if
the density of seeds in the tank is too dense.
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2. Collect the seeds
of catfish in the tank pool .
3. Perform grading
by way of shoveling piecemeal catfish seed from the tank. Grading is done on a
plastic tub is filled with water that has been deposited and applied antiseptic
4. Enter the fish on
the vessel size grading is already sorted .
5. Grading is done
by sifting the seeds using a special seed grading tub .
6. Separate the
seeds of catfish in a plastic tub in the size of the seed .
module is designed as a reference in teaching and learning in training eye
" Catfish Fish Hatchery Techniques " . This module is used in
aquaculture technical training , and hopefully with this module will help
enhance the skills knowledge and attitude of the fish of the trainees .
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