


1.  Mechanical Loading sewer (Outlet)
First we clean the first yard / location for making the pond with the design slope is placed in the most central part (center), with the tilt of + 10 cm, is intended that the sediment can accumulate at one point, so at that point there will be bursts of aeration, so it will not happen precipitation dirt.

After that pair paralon the axis to the edge / boundary outside an installed ang both knee and glued with PVC glue, position paralon that are misaligned or protrudes out the pool area for water to be wasted all. Then flatten with the back ground.

2.  Mechanical installation wiremesh
After making a sewer is completed next we put up iron wiremesh which serves to hold the tarp, first iron we cut to size, then we unite so that it becomes a round shape, at a meeting of iron wiremesh that we are united in a way we tie one iron with so ignites strongly.

Next we put the inner covering with carpets gutters wiremesh we measure according to the needs and we put on the iron wiremesh then we bind with wire bendrat in order not to be separated, it aims to avoid lumps caused by water when the pool is filled with water.

3. Mechanical Installation tarp GM
Next, we put a tarp with our direct position of tegah, or sought axis tegahnya so it will be easier and will be according to what we expect, then slowly we open sehigga cover all areas wiremesh, after the wiremesh installed neatly and then the next step: making a hole disposal namely by tearing using a razor blade / cutter at the top of the knee disposal, then we enter paralon we already pitted and was given the cover.

1.  Mechanical installation of aerator
Aerator function other than as a supplier of oxygen in the medium (water) aerator also serves as a tool pegadukan that is needed in this biofloc cultivation system, in this system pegadukan and the addition of oxygen to the media is having an effect on the formation of floc.

Basically the installation of aerator is easy, first we prepare aerator then mounted channel outlet and then we put the hose as needed

in our pool, selajutnya output holes aerator unused we close using hoses that we cut and we unite with holes unused next to or with the way we burn one end of the hose so that it will shut one of the holes.
2.  Mechanical installation airstone
Airstone serves as a breaker of oxygen in order to decompose into small / soft output, so that the oxygen to be dissolved more perfect, we just stayed installation airstone pair airstone with a hose that is connected to the aerator.

3   Mechanical placement airstone
airstone placement should be placed in the middle of the round pool area, so that stirring can be more perfect and spread in all directions.

Containers to be used for pool maintenance pool tarp is cylindrical (orcited material). The water content with a height of 90 cm.
Pengraman using krosok salt as much as 1-3 kg / m3. (Left for 3 days)
Put molasses 50 ml / m3 (left to stand for 1 day)

Probiotics 50 ml / m3 (early media)
After 3 days the lime input dolomit1 gr / m3
6. stocking
2 days after the administration of the new dolomite seeds can be stocked

This provision of prebiotics further after seeding on day 6 of 50 ml / m3. Continued provision of prebiotics on day 14, 20, 25, 29, 33, 37, 40, and 44 days, and then continued every 2 days SAMPE HARVEST.

Applications penabahan molasses done if the feed has reached 10 kg, it shall provide the molasses as much as 466 ml / 10 kg 30% protein feed.
Aeration Help support the bacteria to break down ammonia dominate the media.

Molasses or drops, are used as energy sources for the microbes to the development of microbes in pond water can develop properly.

In addition, with the addition of molasses resulted in the absorption of ammonia by bacteria getting better. Use molasses on biofloc technology is very prevalent. The addition of molasses on the application of technology biofloc than as energy for microbes, also has a goal to increase the value of C / N ratio in the media. When the C / N ratio below 10 then the bacteria will use the N of N-organic (such as proteins, amino acids, urea, etc.). When the C / N ratio of 20 or more then the bacteria would use N-inorganic (ammonia, nitrate). And when the C / N ratio between 10-20 then the bacteria would use both.

The use of molasses adjusted to the composition of the feed used. For higher protein molasenya then needs more and more. A dose of 466 ml / 10 kg 30% protein feed.

1. Selection of feed rose and qualified
o   Feed quality (reference of farmers who've tried) and availability in the area around (the efficiency of transport costs), product selection based on evidence.
o   Size of feed adjusted to the fish's mouth openings, with average fish growth objectives (Racak)

2.  Fermentation on feed
Probiotic fermented feed with 10 cc / kg of feed, for 2-3 days, closed to avoid contamination.

3.  Mechanical feeding

-    Eating 80% of full power, provided space for the production of an enzyme in the stomach digestive enzymes. Expected feed efficiency 100% completely absorbed
-    Catfish has a wide mouth as wide as the nature of the body / head. This philosophy voracious fish eat. fish will eat until his stomach is full. now imagine if the stomach is full and then feed it expands .. what happens?
-    Stomach / digestive swell, may also be injured. The next attack bacteria in the digestive tract. disease usually abdominal swelling / bloating due to bacterial infection Edwardsiella sp. This bacterium is difficult to be completely destroyed due to cystic form
-    Other effects that a glut of fish will be silent, be careful when something shocking the fish will throw up, the effect of water will be broken and the fish will be poisoned
-    The effect of another if silent hang fish parasites would be easy to attack (be careful when raised white spots, or red spots) there will be quite a lot of death. either with a gown while feeding that apply just enough (80% of a glut of fish). besides efficient feed also save
-    Frequency of the feed in accordance with the metabolism of the fish 2 times a day, the metabolism of the fish range from 8 hours, when the feeding time of 7 am and 5 pm. Then there was a span of two hours for the rest of the digestive organs, with the aim of digestive organs remain healthy, the fish was healthy. (For seed feed PF-800 / PF-1000 can be 3 times a day depending on the weather and season)

-    Feed is fermented using probiotics EBS Pro to produce enzymes: protease, amylase, lipase and cellulose. This system lighten the work of the digestive organs by 30%, and help cutting the long chains in proteins and fats.

-    Routines appropriate biological clock / instinct (on time), feeding fickle clearly disrupt / destroy the biological clock eating fish

-    Mechanical turnover of feed, feed turn greatly affect the degree of uniformity size of the fish. At the turn of the feed should be in the mix / mixed with the feed size replacement.

-    Program 1 x fasting meal every week, aims to provide an opportunity to break the digestive organs. This technique proved to be effective and does not disturb the growing power of fish

-    Reduction of eating up to 30%, when it formed the substrate / polymer / biofloc happens when a portion of the feed up to 500 kg / day / 1000 m

-    Situational for fish feel comfortable, healthy water does not need to be replaced
-    A maximum of 30% water changes, to avoid shocks that could menyebabkanikanstress media and shrinkage weight
-    Water which replaced the bottom layer, kualitasair down low with a high content of ammonia dannitrit
-    Substitution by way of circulation, to avoid a change of extreme stress and make the fish
-    Aplication biofloc technology, does not mean no waste water at all. However, if can utilize either the biofloc formed, then turn the water can be minimized. Enforcement of fasting at a given moment, is very helpful in the management of water quality. This will provide an opportunity for fish to utilize biofloc as a food supplement that is available naturally in the pond. Biofloc so that concentrations can be maintained, not too thick, thereby reducing the need for water circulation.

Fish, has a different ability the floc concentrations in the water. Catfish is a fish that is quite resistant to conditions of high density floc. Because these fish can survive well with the conditions floc volume, which reached 15% (150 cc in 1 liter of water media). However, it is suggested that the implementation of fasting / feeding reduction has been made since the floc thickness of less than 5% (50 cc per liter of water).
-    Influence biofloc concentrations in pond water will affect the oxygen consumption. Besides, it also will affect the fish respiration. Therefore, the change of water still needed to reduce concentrations biofloc in pond water. To dispose of sediment in an urgently needed change of water.

   bright colors, not too thick, not greasy
   Conduct fish: active, high appetite, during the day the fish was towing an
   The water does not smell odor amino acids

   The color of dull, dark, oily surface
   As a result of the dominance of Blue Green Algae
   Conduct fish: slow motion, dipermukaanatau hang by the pool, lack of appetite
   The strong smell of ammonia or rancid →


Liming serves to maintain / increase the water pH and alkalinity (pH buffer). Besides, it can function bind carbon dioxide in the water, reduce / eliminate the sour smell and the smell of flatus and provides minerals Ca and Mg.

Liming can be done once a week. Best application time is night. Type of lime can be applied, among others: agricultural lime, dolomite is given prior to the application of probiotics.

     The characteristics of improved seed
o Seeds of superior parent
o Seeds healthy, active and agile movement
o Same size
o From one parent the some one (speed of growth same)
o Color uniform
o Full Organ
o The form of proportional
o Seeds of seeders / hatchery reliable

1.  Preparation before harvest
One day approaching harvest fish should be fasted, aims to reduce the stress on catfish, so the risk of death will be safer/ less.
2   post-harvest treatment pond

After the harvest should be an dibersihkna soon as clean as possible, so as not to cause an unpleasant smell because it has been used for cultivation (fishy, ​​etc.).


  1. please can you tell me if i want to use food salt per m3 in water. how much i have to use food salt


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